Many thanks for your email. Due to the high volume of correspondence that Nick receives, it can take us a little while to process incoming mail. We are currently addressing this situation so please bear with us. We're sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Of course, in the meantime, you're still more than welcome to contact Nick via post.
If you are contacting him as Deputy Prime Minister, please write to him at the Cabinet Office, 70 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AS.
If you are contacting him as Leader of the Liberal Democrats, please write to him at 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1A 2AS.
If you are a constituent of Nick's in Sheffield Hallam, please write to him at 85 Nethergreen Road, Sheffield S11 7EH or contact Nick via this contact form:<>
Best wishes,
Office of Nick Clegg MP
Dear Mr Clegg / Mr Clegg's email answering machine,
I am starting to tire of receiving automated responses to my emails. I have been attempting to contact you for 64 days, via your Twitter account, your Facebook page, this and other email accounts, and even twice by good old-fashioned "snail-mail".
It is my opinion that a position of such responsibility as yours should by now have an effectively functional response system. I find it hard to believe that you have not yet managed to put such a system in place after more than two months.
My question to you over the last 64 days has, broadly-speaking, been this: "How can you, our multi-lingual Deputy Prime Minister, personally support the teaching and learning of Modern Foreign Languages in the UK?"
I must tell you that I have now also been in email contact with my local MP (Mr Desmond Swayne), who has responded to me in person 3 times in less than a week. He has provided me with an interesting insight into your apparent input into the recent Cabinet discussions prior to Mr Gove's release of his White Paper: I gather you were at pains to ensure MFL's place within the ongoing curricular framework. This is great news - but why have you not reassured me (and many other colleagues who have also attempted to contact you over the last two months) of this?
I can honestly say that I would not still be tweeting, FBing, emailing and so on each day if you had responded by now. But the fact that this small request has gone unanswered has hardened my resolve not only to get an answer but also to spread my dissatisfaction at the lack of response as widely as possible.
Can you really afford to add another group of disenchanted voters to the gathering hordes?
Best regards,
Alex Bellars