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May 04, 2009



Christmas Markets Trip 2005

  • Weihnachtsmarkt am Rhein
    The inaugural Ballard German trip to Cologne for a whistle-stop tour of the city's Christmas Markets. Overnight on a coach, a day in Cologne...and then bacl onto the coach to arrive, smelly, exhausted but happy, back at school and full of seasonal cheer!

Christmas Markets Trip 2006

  • Ms J & Mr W
    Right after the end of the Christmas Term 2007, an intrepid band of staff, pupils and parents travelled to Köln and Aachen to sample the unique atmosphere of those two cities "Weihnachtsmärkte"...

Les aventures de Frogbert le Croak-Monsieur

  • une belle vue de la mer
    Frogbert's first adventures...but certainly not his last!

World War I Battlefields Trip 2007

  • chill out, Mr H!
    Pupils and staff will never forget this emotional four-day trip to Northern France and Belgium.
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Member since 04/2007
